Digit span sequencing
Digit span sequencing

The presence of excessive mirror overflow in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is discussed in numerous published reports. Further research should focus on investigating the associations between speech understanding on the one hand and the backward corsi tapping task and letter-number sequencing task on the other hand. Hearing sensitivity had only a significant impact on visual processing speed.Conclusion: The importance to evaluate cognitive construct validity within audiological research was highlighted. For visual and verbal working memory, males outperformed females, whereas no clear sex effect was observed for visual and verbal processing speed. The effect of age, sex, educational level, awakeness, and hearing sensitivity on verbal and visual working memory and processing speed was assessed using stepwise multiple regression analyses.Results: For all outcome variables, a decrease in performance was observed with increasing age. Objective: To strengthen future methodological choices regarding the measurement of cognition within the field of audiology, the current study aimed to examine the effect of, among other things, hearing sensitivity on the backward corsi tapping task (i.e., visual working memory and processing speed) and the letter-number sequencing task (i.e., verbal working memory and processing speed).Design and Study Sample: The backward corsi tapping task and the letter-number sequencing task were administered to 184 participants, aged between 18 and 69 years. This study’s results provide a breakthrough in cognitive psychology, educational psychology, neuropsychology, and other fields related to child support, which are struggling to find valuable, practical practices for children in the field (i.e., schools and homes) beyond the laboratory. Thus, there is a possibility that even simple abacus calculation has a positive effect on executive functions, especially working memory support, in early childhood. Difficulty levels were found to be in the order of the forward digit-span task, backward digit-span task, and letter–number sequencing task. In other words, the brain in the prefrontal cortex was more activated in the abacus task than in the forward digit-span task. The results revealed a significant difference between the abacus calculation task and the forward digit-span task however, there was no significant difference between the abacus calculation task and other tasks. I measured the activation of cerebral blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of a young child while he worked on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV Working Memory Index tasks (forward digit-span task, backward digit-span task, and letter–number sequencing task) and the abacus calculation task using HOT-2000 (NeU, Japan), a two-channel wearable functional near-infrared spectroscopy device. Through this educational pilot case study, I examined whether it is possible that even easy calculations during the introduction of abacus calculation in early childhood may have an effect on executive function support. However, although the abacus is easy to learn, learning opportunities have shrunk because of the widespread use of calculators. Further, the study of the abacus-the base of MA-is good for not only mathematics but also nurturing the brain. Recent evidence suggests that the prefrontal cortex is involved in mental abacus (MA). It has already been indicated that executive functions are related to the prefrontal cortex.

#Digit span sequencing how to#

Therefore, research on how to support the development of executive functions is actively being conducted. The development of executive functions is remarkable in early childhood.

Digit span sequencing